Teaching & Tutoring

  • Sessions

    Typically these take place at your home but with your consent can involve going out and doing lessons practically in other suitable settings. Sessions are carefully designed to meet the needs of the child, young peson or adult.

  • SEND & SEMH Experience

    I have experience of working with the following:
    ADHD, ASD, PDA, tourettes, dyslexia, dypraxia, dyscalculia, head injury, slow processing, anxiety, low self estem, low confidence, Children We Care For, trauma, downs syndrome and problems with executive functioning.

  • Age Range

    KS2 (year 3) through to adult learners.

  • Subjects

    Maths - KS1, KS2, KS3, GCSE (foundation paper) and Functional Skills
    English - KS1, KS2, KS3, GCSE (language paper) and Functional Skills
    Physical Education
    Primary science, history & geography

  • Partnership Working

    I welcome working in conjuction with other tutors and professionals to create the best learning environment. I have experience of working with virtual schools, colleges, mainstream schools, CAMHS, care homes, social services, the police and other tutors.

  • Home Education Programmes

    Many of the children and young people I work with are home educated. I currently run in-person GCSE English and maths groups in Oxfordshire. Do contact me if you have a group of learners who need a bespoke approach.